Stress Relieving Yoga: An Overview

It is very obvious that you experience stress in our day-to-day lives. Each one of you have different ways to deal with the daily stress and tension. While some of you might prefer doing a heavy workout session, others might like to turn to a more gentle and relaxing approach like yoga. 

Yoga is literally a practice for every single one of you. It provides a number of benefits, both physical and psychological with zero side effects. If you are wondering how to alleviate stress, scroll down and you will come across the answer that you have been searching for.

Yoga For Stress Reduction: How It Brings Down The Level

  • Relaxes and calms your mind
  • Builds self awareness
  • Makes you live in the present
  • Stretches your overall body muscles
  • Releases unwanted tension
  • Brings attention to your breath
  • Releases emotional energy 

Yoga Asanas To Relieve Stress

  • Cat Pose [Marjaryasana]

This is one of the easiest and friendliest yoga poses recommended for you to practice if you are looking for a way to reduce unwanted stress and tension. Along with making you look like a cat, Marjaryasana soothes and stretches your lower back, especially the muscles of your spine.

  • Cow Pose [Bitilasana]

Bitilasana is usually practiced with cat pose as it has the same characteristics and benefits, including reducing stress, and strenthening your back muscles. It is a warming up pose that also helps in stretching and relaxing your spine. Additionally, Cow pose is known to create an emotional balance by massaging your organs. 

  • Child Pose [Balasana]

Balasana is one of the easiest, baby-like asana that can not just be practiced by advance level yoga practitioners, but also absolute beginners to yoga. It is a deeply relaxing yoga posture that gives your entire body a sense of relaxation. The most important thing while practicing child pose is to keep your breath aligned with your body movements, only then you'll experience the true benefits of this asana. 

  • Headstand [Sirhasana]

Sirhasana is known to release stress and increase focus and concentration. It stimulates your immune system and helps you in releasing toxins by improving the overall blood circulation in your body. Sirhasana also sharpens your brain and strengthens your memory. 

  • Plough Pose [Halasana]

This one stimulates the endocrine system and strengthens the immunity system, specifically the thyroid gland. It improves your metabolism drastically and keeps you active and up-beat. Halasana helps you out in the generation of new blood cells, thereby keeping your brain young, active, and rejuvenated. 

  • Downward Facing Dog Pose [Adho Mukha Svanasana]

This particular pose does wonders for your entire body. Starting from stretching your lower back and spine to strenthening your hamstrings and calf muscles, this asana does it all. Additionally, it is effective for stress relief, anxiety, and mild depression. 


While practicing the yoga asanas mentioned above, one thing that you need to keep in mind is to not forget to coordinate your breath with your body movements because if a balance is created between your breath and your body movements, then you'll be able to fully benefit from the yoga asanas.

Read More:- How Yoga Helps In Reducing Anxiety And Depression


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